There are 6 steps to successfully submit a misrepresentation waiver, which can help undocumented aliens become admissible to the U.S.
Processing Times for I-601A Waivers
Many I-601A provisional unlawful presence waiver applicants do not realize review of their applications can take more than six months to fully complete.
What is the Difference Between an I-1601 and I-601A Waiver?
Both the I-601 and I-601A waiver can be used to adjust for “unlawful presence”. Unlawful presence is time spend in the U.S. without a lawful status.
The Benefits Highly Skilled Workers Have on the U.S. Economy
The H-1B visa system is beneficial to U.S. workers as well as foreign workers. Raw statistics have proven many foreign worker myths to be false.
A First Look at the Federal Strategic Plan on Immigrant and Refugee Integration
Strategic Action Plan on Immigrant & Refugee Integration will outline a national system to help new immigrants adjust and integrate into U.S. communities.
Saying “Yes” To Foreign Born Entrepreneurs and Highly Skilled Workers
Current United States policies on immigration are not adequately encouraging foreign-born start-up founders who have invested capital in the United States.
Breaking News – USCIS Completes Data Entry of Fiscal Year 2016 H1B Cap-Subject Petitions
USCIS released yesterday on May 4, 2015 that data entry for the entire 2016 H-1B cap subject petitions has been completed.
Useful Tips For Ensuring a Successful Asylum Case
Asylum qualifications—actual persecution and presence in USA—and disqualifications—procedural timeliness/completeness and national security.
Qualifying For a Green Card Through Cancellation of Removal
Non-LPR Cancellation of removal may qualify you for a green card but, this form of relief cannot be filed outside the immigration court proceedings.
Immigrant Removals Continue to Decline Under Obama Administration
According to a recent article from the the Associated Press, the Obama administration is set to remove the lowest number of undocumented aliens since 2006.
Defending Noncitizen Minors in Removal Cases
Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) can assist undocumented minors currently in the state juvenile system to remain in the United States lawfully.
What Crimes Can Result in Removal and Deportation?
A common reason for people to be placed into removal proceedings is because there is evidence that they have committed a crime. But there may be a defense.