ICE has stated custody determinations of detainees with criminal convictions will receive greater scrutiny with regard to release procedures and oversight.
The Truth About Prosecutorial Discretion and Advance Parole
Some believe that the new Depart of Homeland Security policy will allow citizenship laws to be bypassed, but a closer look reveals that this isn’t true.
2016 H-1B Visa Filing Tips
The initial 2016 H-1B visa filing date is April 1, 2015. It is essential for applicants to ensure their filing avoids clerical or filing errors.
New Guidelines on “Prosecutorial Discretion” Could Benefit Undocumented Immigrants
New guidelines on “Prosecutorial discretion” could be a valuable form of relief which would allow individuals who qualify to remain in the U.S.
Department of Justice Files Appeal to Lift Injunction on Obama Immigration Reform
On March 14, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) asked for an immediate stay pending appeal from a Fifth Circuit injunction that has blocked DACA and DAPA.
Texas Judge Continues Block on Obama Immigration Plan
on Mrrch 9, 2015 a federal judge in Texas officially declined to lift the block of the Obama Administration’s immigration plans for at least 10 more days
Congress Approves Short Term Funding for Department of Homeland Security
Congress reached a late decision for short term funding of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and approved short term funding to avoid a shut down.
H-4 Dependent Spouses Authorized for Employment
On February 24th, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) released a statement that authorizes H-4 dependent spouses to accept employment.
Obama Requests Amnesty while DACA and DAPA Appeal is Pending
President Barack Obama asks the court to restart amnesty as millions of undocumented aliens await a final decision on Obama’s executive action.
2016 H-1B Filing Dates
All employers who want to sponsor H-1B workers during FY 2016 may start submitting applications on April 1, 2015 for an initiation date on October 1, 2015.
BREAKING NEWS: DACA Applications ARE NOT being accepted on Feb. 18, 2015
the Department of Homeland Security has stated that they will not be accepting DACA applications on Feb. 18th due to a recent ruling by a federal judge.
A Guide to Bona Fide H-1B Visa Terminations
DOL issues H-1B visa requirements for all employers including filing requirements for H-1B employers and termination criteria.