Immigration Modernization Act (S.744) Pros and Cons

The “Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act” or Senate Immigration bill 7.44 would provide for the best and most positive effects for businesses in particular and would facilitate substantial positive reform in the permanent resident (green card) category. On the other hand, S.744 would complicate the process of acquiring temporary workers such as H1-Bs and L-1s.

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Senate Immigration Bill

The president, in a letter dated May 20, 2013, raised concerns that USCIS has a culture in which managers pressure their subordinates to rubber stamp applications and this problem will only be exacerbated by the bill.

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The 'JOLT' Act

First introduced in the 112th Congress, the JOLT act is a combination of several proposed policies and programs which hope to tackle the visa problems related to foreign travelers and tourists visiting America. The latest version of the JOLT act included some new reforms and an updated version of previous policies.

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USCIS Releases Revised G-28 Form

On March 28, 2013, in an official communication, USCIS released news that it would be replacing the current G-28, Notice of Entry of Appearance of Attorney or Accredited Representative with a new version. It means that USCIS will no longer accept the old G-28 form for new cases. Using the old G28 form on a new case after May 26,2013 will result in a denial of a case due to incorrect filing.

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