Recently, a study was released from the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) which projects that Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) would positively effect the economy should it be adopted into law. Some experts say that this could be a sign of a, “growing consensus on common-sense immigration reform.”

The BPC was founded by four former Senate Majority Leaders from both parties and include:

  • Howard Baker (R-TN)
  • Tom Daschle (D-SD)
  • Bob Dole (R-KS)
  • George Mitchell (D-ME)

The four members who were charged with producing this study include members from both parties as well:

  • Haley Barbour (R-MS)
  • Ed Rendell (D-PA)
  • Henry Cisneros (D-TX)
  • Condoleeza Rice (R-CA)

This star-studded group are all well-known for being outspoken on issues and are considered to be good representatives of both political parties. There are several items to which the four politicians who produced the study agree upon. Within the study there are several prominent points which have taken the spotlight:

The average economic growth of the U.S. would increase by .24 percent from 2014 to 2033. Also the overall size of the entire labor force would increase 2.8% by FY 23 and an additional 2.0% by FY33.

Provide a jolt to the demand in the housing market. CIR is projected in this study to increase residential construction by $68 billion annually between FY14 and FY33.

A reduction to the federal deficit. A significant reduction to the federal deficit is proposed by this study due to the influx of younger generations. It is posited that this could lead to a deficit reduction of approximately $180 billion the first ten years and then exponentially increase to $990 billion in the second creating an average annual reduction of around $60 billion.

Help restore demographic balance. With the Baby Boomers retiring the U.S. is aging, “the addition of millions of new, younger workers would increase the ratio of workers to retirees.”

For those tracking the political developments of CIR, the woman directing the BPC study was just hired to advise the House Speaker, John Boehner on matters involving immigration policy. Actions such as these show the possible growing increase of support for CIR in Washington.

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Beeraj Patel, Esq.

Partner at KPPB Law
Beeraj Patel's philosophy is simple - make it easy for talented and ambitious individuals to have access to immigration materials so that they can make the choice which is right for them.

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