In 2015 the Department of Labor will announce its latest plans to expand the level of support given to immigrants who have been victimized by crimes such as human trafficking. This will be particularly helpful to those who have previously been going through the Department of Homeland Security to seek relief.


U visa and T visa Requirements

According to the Department of Labor, a U visa is extended primarily to victims who work with law enforcement to help to investigate and prosecute crimes, especially those related to human trafficking. Certification of cooperation from the appropriate law enforcement agencies are required. Those who are simply victims of human trafficking, but who are not aiding law enforcement, may seek T visas instead. However, they too would benefit from being associated with law enforcement, and are “strongly encouraged” to obtain such certification if possible.

Additional Considerations for U visa and T visa Certification

There are three additional types of victims of criminal activity for which U visa certification will be undertaken on their behalf. These include the crimes of extortion, fraud involving foreign labor contracts and involuntary or forced labor. T visas will now also be granted for these crimes.

Protecting the Rights of All Workers

The Department of Labor is creating an inter-agency task force whose goal will be to help ensure the rights of all workers, regardless of immigration status. This means working to expand the enforcement of employment and labor laws to everyone, especially those who in the past have been intimidated from asserting their rights. The goal is to also crack down on dishonest employers who try to exploit immigrants.

Members of the Task Force

Five major government agencies will form the joint working group which will strive to work together to eliminate unsafe, intimidating and exploitative work environments for immigrant workers. Those agencies are the Justice Department, the National Labor Relations Board, the Equal Opportunity Commission, the Department of Labor and the Department of Homeland Security. The goal is to create an environment in which employment, immigration and federal work laws are consistently and fairly enforced.

We are Ready to Help You!

Foreign nationals who meet the specific criteria for U or T visas should seek legal counsel to pursue these visas. If you feel you may qualify, call KPPB Law. Our immigration Our extensive experience and in-depth knowledge will successfully guide you through the process of obtaining a U or T visa.

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