This article will inform you about DACA and its past, present, and future. Learn more about how it came to be, what it is now, and what it will be.
Immigrant Removals Continue to Decline Under Obama Administration
According to a recent article from the the Associated Press, the Obama administration is set to remove the lowest number of undocumented aliens since 2006.
What is the Central American Minors (CAM) Refugee/Parole Program?
The Obama administration has created a program that allows immigrants coming from certain Central American countries to bring family members to the U.S.
The Truth About Prosecutorial Discretion and Advance Parole
Some believe that the new Depart of Homeland Security policy will allow citizenship laws to be bypassed, but a closer look reveals that this isn’t true.
New Guidelines on “Prosecutorial Discretion” Could Benefit Undocumented Immigrants
New guidelines on “Prosecutorial discretion” could be a valuable form of relief which would allow individuals who qualify to remain in the U.S.
Department of Justice Files Appeal to Lift Injunction on Obama Immigration Reform
On March 14, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) asked for an immediate stay pending appeal from a Fifth Circuit injunction that has blocked DACA and DAPA.
Texas Judge Continues Block on Obama Immigration Plan
on Mrrch 9, 2015 a federal judge in Texas officially declined to lift the block of the Obama Administration’s immigration plans for at least 10 more days
Obama Requests Amnesty while DACA and DAPA Appeal is Pending
President Barack Obama asks the court to restart amnesty as millions of undocumented aliens await a final decision on Obama’s executive action.
USCIS Will Start Accepting DACA Petitions February 18, 2015
USCIS will accept DACA petitions on February 18, 2015. Individuals who arrived in the US under 16 on or before January 1, 2010 could be eligible
Which is better: Legalization through the Dream Act or DACA?
Under S.744 the Dream Act and DACA will provide routes to RPI and green card status. However when compared, individuals pursuing legalization under DACA will experience a less expensive and quicker process.